Our services
Experienced project managers and designers control the process from start to delivery. Project management is conducted using the project management model PROPS, and we conduct Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) for more complex assignments.
Constantly updated machinery with advanced high-quality machines and most importantly, well trained, motivated staff with many years of engineering experience ensures accurate results.
A myriad of details and components are assembled together with electrical and automation systems to make a functioning unit. Skilled and motivated employees have built hundreds of machines over the years to exact specifications.
A skilled electrical and automation department, integrated into the projects from design to final testing, is a prerequisite for satisfactory results.
Metrology and quality control
Our high quality and our aim for the utmost precision stems from our production management practice that follows the principles of Lean Manufacturing. In this, our metrology department plays an important role in verifying our promises.
About us
Examec specialises in high precision components and advanced machine engineering in smaller series. Our speciality is building machines with the highest requirements for reliability. Our strength lies in our turnkey responsibility, complex assembly and in making components with the highest precision, particularly larger components. Our high quality and our aim for the utmost precision stems from our production management practice that follows the principles of Lean Manufacturing. In this, our measuring lab plays an important role in verifying our promises.
Examec is to be perceived by its employees and the outside world as an employer that offers progressive and responsible work tasks in sound working environments.
Our overall objective is to provide quality products and services, as well as cost-effective care and maintenance, that fully satisfy its customers.
Ours is a process of specific ordering of work activities across time and place, to ensure the highest quality in every step and to encourage continuous improvement in efficiency.
Our operations are characterised by a continual environmental effort, an ongoing improvement process

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Or contact one of us directly.

Mats Ohlsson

Mikael Karlsson

Taina Manninen

Brita Johnsson

Stefan Olsson

Hasse Larsson

Lars Johansson

Åsa Simeth