Examec receives order from SKB, the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company

Together with DVel in Lund, Examec has received an order from SKB for a measuring station for fuel rods. Uranium is the substance used as nuclear fuel in most nuclear power reactors in the world, and in all Swedish reactors. Through chemical processes, the enriched uranium is converted into uranium dioxide. Uranium dioxide powder is Read more about Examec receives order from SKB, the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company[…]

New Examec assignment: Apple X Strongback for Max IV in Lund

In the continued development of the Max IV Laboratory in Lund, the world’s most powerful accelerator ring for synchrotron light research, Examec has won another public procurement in competition with the country’s most advanced engineering industries. Max IV writes on its website: The near term R & D of the Insertion Devices at MAX IV Read more about New Examec assignment: Apple X Strongback for Max IV in Lund[…]

Examec manufactures vital parts for Neutron Choppers for ESS in Lund.

ESS in Lund is now in a rapid expansion phase, including manufacturing and installing accelerators and beam tubes. Between these are the target area and the rotating target wheel, with tungsten ricochet surfaces, which have just begun to be installed. This target is fired at with protons (the energy equivalent to a 2-ton car that Read more about Examec manufactures vital parts for Neutron Choppers for ESS in Lund.[…]