Examec approved as Max Lab supplier

MaxLabMany large, complex procurement processes are required to build and develop the new MAX IV research facility in Lund. The quantity and size of the processes have called for a separate, fully specialised organisation that assumes total responsibility for choosing suitable suppliers.

The allocation decision, qualification documents and evaluation documents from the rigorous supplier selection process were announced just the other day. We were extremely pleased to learn that Examec Machine Assembly in Tomelilla was among the suppliers chosen.

Examec is highly familiar with the manufacture of machinery and components for research purposes. For instance, we recently produced six 7-tonne magnetic cores for Le Grand Accélérateur National d’Ions Lourds (GANIL).

MAX-lab is a national synchrotron light laboratory in Lund. The only one of its kind in Sweden, it is open to researchers from around the world. Researchers at the laboratory study the structure of matter, which has led to a number of broadly applicable findings. A new facility, MAX IV at Brunnshög, is currently under construction. It will offer a unique level of performance, paving the way for exciting new research. 

The design of the facility will permit various processes to be studied with considerably greater precision than ever before. Researchers will also be able to explore extremely short-lived reactions. Environmental scholars, energy researchers, palaeontologists, material specialists and many others will benefit from MAX IV.

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